Research on EMF Harmony Technology
With a bio-energetic technology like EMF Harmony's that operates at the sub-atomic level, the only way to know that it works is by measuring peoples' health states with and without the use of the technology in the presence of EMF radiation. Positive physiological outcomes from the use of our products have been demonstrated in a host of studies and tests using various health measurement techniques. Generally the health parameters of test subjects are measured before and after exposure to EMF radiation with and without protection from EMF Harmony devices, and the differences demonstrate the negative effects of EMF exposure and the protective effects of EMF Harmony products.
Please note that although the tests are run with various EMF Harmony products and various health measurement techniques, the technology underlying all the products is the same, so the same results would be expected with any of our products. Following are examples of such studies & tests:
- Double-Blind WiFi Radiation Study
- Heart Rate Variability Study
- Cress Sprouts Growth Test
- EMF Protection Case Study
- Electrodermal Research Study
- Reclaiming Motherhood Case Study Video
- Live Blood Analysis Study
- Gas Discharge Visualization Test
- Heart Rate Variability Test
Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled WiFi Radiation Study
A third party research institute in Europe conducted a study on the Mobility+ EMF protection bracelet and its protective effects against WiFi radiation, as well as its general health supporting effects even without the presence of EMF radiation. This study uses the gold standard for such research - a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled methodology. The study is based on extensive statistical analyses of 5 health measurements taken on 15 test subjects in 5 different testing scenarios. The report concludes that the Mobility+ bracelet demonstrates protective health effects against WiFi radiation - and in addition it demonstrates positive health effects even without the presence of EMF radiation (in other words your health is supported by just wearing it, regardless of your EMF exposure).Click here to view the complete study.

Heart Rate Variability Study
The figure below shows measurements taken with a HeartQuest heart rate variability (HRV) device. On the left are baseline readings from a test subject, in the middle are results after a 5 minute unprotected cell phone call, and on the right are results after a 5 minute cell phone call with the EMF Harmonizer+ attached to the phone. The top figures show the test subject’s psycho-emotional state index, which dropped from the baseline 65% to 30% after the unprotected cell phone call, and increased to 70% after using the cell phone with the Harmonizer+ attached (better than baseline). The bottom figures show the subject’s brainwave measures for delta, theta, alpha, beta and gamma rhythms. Click here to view the complete study.

Cress Sprouts Growth Test
This test provides a visual demonstration of the negative effects of EMF radiation on the growth of cress sprouts, and how the EMF Harmonizer+ minimized these negative effects. The test includes sprouts grown next to a WiFi router emitting measurable EMF radiation, and a control group of sprouts grown 8 feet away with no exposure to EMF radiation. On the left is a picture of the sprouts grown next to the router without EMF protection, and on the right are the sprouts grown with the Harmonizer+ on the router. Click here to view the complete study, including pictures of the sprouts under various growing conditions. Or click here to view the video overview.

EMF Protection Case Study
In this case study a middle aged couple exposed to EMF radiation throughout their lives were tested before and after being provided with EMF Harmony products for their devices and home. Their EMF stressors included frequent use of cell phones, laptops, iPads; a "smart house" full of wireless networks, appliances, gadgets; one electric and one hybrid car; and solar panels on the home with a converter. The testing included a thorough physical/neurological/functional exam and comprehensive blood panel. The notable improvements in their health are detailed in the report. Click here to view the complete study.
Electrodermal Research Study
The graphs below are samples from an electrodermal testing research study showing the results of one subject measured when making a cell phone call without (top) and with (bottom) an EMF Harmony Mobility+ bracelet. The results indicate that all of the measured parameters were below the optimal levels without the bracelet, and they all reached an optimal level with the bracelet. Similar results were found for all five test subjects. Click here to view the complete study.

Reclaiming Motherhood Case Study Video
Dana Schmoyer of the YouTube blog Reclaiming Motherhood just published a video documenting her health issues related to EMF radiation exposure and how our EMF Harmony products made a positive impact on her health. The results were recorded using Heart Rate Variability testing by her healthcare provider Melissa Dyer at Covenant Natural Heath. See her report and the results here.
Dana is a mother of seven children who has created a community to share her experiences with others going through all the struggles and wonders of motherhood. Her motto is "Turning chaos into joy." We think you will enjoy her story with EMF Harmony products. Click here to watch the video.
Live Blood Analysis Study
The images below are blood samples from a test subject magnified using a dark field microscope. The image on the left shows a sample taken before using a cell phone, and the red blood cells are spaced apart and moving freely in a healthy state. The middle image shows a sample taken after a 5 minute unprotected cell phone call, and the red blood cells are clumping and aggregating in an unhealthy state. The image on the right shows a sample taken after a 5 minute cell phone call using the EMF Harmonizer+, and the red blood cells are again moving freely in a healthy state. Click here to view the complete study.

Gas Discharge Visualization Test
The graphs below are the results of a gas discharge visualization (GDV) test on a healthy subject, with the orange representing the default state of the subject and the violet representing the state of the subject after wearing the EMF Harmony Mobility+ bracelet for 4 minutes. Significant improvements are shown in all areas, most notably reduced stress, increased energy, and better organ balance. Click here to view the complete report.

Heart Rate Variability Test
The figure below shows measurements taken with a Nilas MV heart rate variability (HRV) device. On the left are readings after a 5 minute unprotected cell phone call, and on the right are readings after a 5 minute cell phone call with the EMF Harmonizer+. The top figures show the test subject’s central neuro hormonal system regulation, which improved from a measurement of 30 to 64. The bottom figures show the subject’s energy reserves and utilization, with the blue squares indicating anabolic and the red catabolic processes. These results improved from a measurement of 21 / 26 to 86 / 94 when using the Harmonizer+. Click here to view the complete report.