Instructions & FAQs for Carbon+ Car EMF Harmonizer

Installation Instructions

  • The Carbon+ Car should be placed in an area near the driver, such as the console area between the two front seats, on the steering wheel column or dashboard, on the interior of the door or side of the console area, or under the driver’s seat (facing up).
  • You may remove the film on the back to expose the adhesive surface and stick it in place, but that is optional.
  • Please do not enclose the Carbon+ Car in the glove box or other closed compartment.
  • Please do not place the Carbon+ Car on the dashboard or other area directly exposed to the sun if you live in a climate where it can become very hot in the car.
  • We offer an optional air vent holder for the EMF Harmony Harmonizer Car, which may also be used for the Carbon+ Car, that you may purchase here.
  • For an electric or hybrid vehicle, it is recommended that you install a second unit in the back area of the car. You may use the adhesive to stick it to one of the interior sides in the back area or to the flat surface underneath the back seats, or you may place it on the flat surface behind the back seat in a sedan.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between the Carbon+ Car and EMF Harmony Harmonizer Car?

  • There is no significant difference in the effectiveness of the two products, but due to the nature of the carbon material the Carbon+ Car has a different look, is slightly more durable, and has slightly better grounding properties.

Can I move the Carbon+ Car to a new device?

  • Yes, you may move it to another vehicle, but it is best not to move it frequently. It is recommended that you have one unit for each of your vehicles.

How long will the Carbon+ Car last?

  • The product will work effectively indefinitely, but the technology is updated regularly. Given the rapid pace of technological change today, we recommend replacing it approximately every five years.

What if I have an electric or hybrid vehicle?

  • For an electric or hybrid vehicle, it is recommended that you install a second unit in the back area of the car. You may use the adhesive to stick it to one of the interior sides in the back area or to the flat surface underneath the back seats, or you may place it on the flat surface behind the back seat in a sedan.

PLEASE NOTE:  The use of EMF Harmony products does not eliminate the need to reduce your exposure to electromagnetic radiation. As with any environmental toxin, minimizing your exposure to EMFs is an important part of a strategy for supporting your long-term health.

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