Free Gift for Your Review

Thank you for purchasing an EMF Harmony product! Your feedback is valuable to us, and we would like to offer you a complimentary EMF Harmonizer in return for a review of your product. The EMF Harmonizer is a small 1 x 1 inch chip with adhesive backing that you can put on your laptop, tablet, computer, baby monitor, smart appliance, or any other device that communicates via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, and it will neutralize the EMF radiation coming from that device to protect your health.

Here’s how to get yours:

  • If you ordered from Amazon go to your order list and find the product you ordered, then click “Write a product review”
  • If you ordered here on our website go to the product page, scroll to the reviews section and click “Write a review”
  • Take a screenshot of your review or take note of your order number
  • Fill out the form below (you must provide either your order # or a screenshot of your review)
  • And that's it, we will send your free EMF Harmonizer!

That’s all there is to it! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us here.