Once upon a time, in a world saturated with rampant electromagnetic pollution, Life Harmony Energies emerged as the visionary creator of the EMF Harmony line. Our mission? To protect you from the pervasive electromagnetic radiation that engulfs your daily life. We understand that for most of us, escaping the clutches of electromagnetic radiation emitted by our cars, mobile phones, and other wireless devices seems impossible. And let's not forget the relentless assault from external sources like cell phone towers, WiFi networks, smart meters, and even conventional electricity. However, with EMF Harmony products, it is indeed possible to minimize the harmful effects and the documented negative health consequences that threaten your well-being.

The genesis of our EMF Harmony technology was born through a partnership with one of Europe's foremost developers of bio-energetic health systems. With over two decades of experience engineering and manufacturing proprietary bio-energetic products, our collaboration guarantees that our offerings are rooted in a tried and true technology, thoroughly tested and proven to support your health in the presence of electromagnetic fields.

At Life Harmony Energies, we are more than just a company; we are a passionate team dedicated to exploring the frontiers of a holistic approach to a more balanced and healthy life. Nestled in the picturesque town of Lyons, Colorado, at the base of the majestic Rocky Mountains, we live and breathe the natural lifestyle we advocate for. Our commitment to this way of life fuels our relentless pursuit of innovative solutions that harmonize technology with nature.

Our brand story is one of empowerment, offering you the means to navigate the modern world without sacrificing your health. We recognize the challenges posed by the omnipresent electromagnetic radiation, and we strive to be your guiding light amidst the chaos. Through our EMF Harmony products, we provide a shield against the harmful effects of electromagnetic pollution, allowing you to reclaim control over your well-being.

Join us on this extraordinary journey as we pave the way to a harmonious and balanced life in the face of electromagnetic challenges. EMF Harmony is here to support you, every step of the way, as you embrace a more natural, empowered, and resilient lifestyle. Together, we can create a future where technology and well-being coexist harmoniously, ensuring a brighter, healthier tomorrow for all.


Marty Grosjean, Founder & President of EMF Harmony

Marty Grosjean is the founder and president of EMF Harmony and has been an entrepreneur in the field of holistic health for over 20 years. He discovered the field of bioresonance therapy while expanding his business into Europe over a decade ago. Fascinated by the theory and the effectiveness of this alternative approach to health that is virtually unknown in the United States, he spent a year researching it deeply and became convinced of its potential for health and healing.

His next step was scouring the areas in Europe known for innovation in the realm of bioresonance therapy and related products for a partner to work with to bring unique advanced EMF protection products to the US. In that he was successful, and soon he was working with one of the most advanced bioresonance technology experts on developing products for export to America. This technology has been used for creating health-promoting products sold throughout Europe for over 25 years, and so it was that EMF Harmony was created to bring cutting-edge EMF-neutralizing devices to this country.

That was 15 years ago, and in the meantime, tens of thousands of EMF protection bioresonance products have been sold here in the United States – thanks to their ease of use, affordability, and of course efficacy. People can benefit in many ways from this advanced bio-energetic approach to health, including protection from the health detriments of EMF radiation exposure, and the success of the products is a testament to that fact.

Carbon Neutral Company

Life Harmony Energies is proud to partner with ClimeCo to purchase carbon offsets for all of our shipping and business activities. That means the delivery of your products is carbon neutral and has no adverse effect on our environment. We are also a member of the EcoCommitted Small Business Partnership Program to offset the other operations of our business. More information is available here.

Carbon Neutral Program

About EMF Protection

Information on EMF protection and our bio-energetic technology is available on these pages of our website:

  • Why EMF Protection is Important
  • How EMF Harmony Technology Works
  • Research on the Biological Benefits of EMF Harmony Technology

To contact us, please click here.